

Gott ehren. Jüngerschaft leben!

Honor God. Make disciples

A church plant in Europe, for Europe.

Current statistics show that the continent of Europe only has around 3% evangelical Christians. Some are referring to it as the forgotten missions field. Europe is in a post-Christian state where many young people are growing up with no idea of who God is and are surrounded with the belief that God is not necessary to life.

pray. give. go

how can you be involved?

Every great move of God is birthed from prayer. We are also convinced that any fruit we will get to experience from this church plant will be on the back of those who have already laboured in prayer.

If you have a heart for Europe, maybe even specifically Switzerland, and you believe that God has called you to prayer and intercession – please get in touch with us.

Partner with us in prayer

You can sow into this church plant financially through either a monthly commitment or a once-off commitment. A vital part of the first steps towards this church plant is getting our support in place as well as the necessary funds for further scout missions in 2024 and costs pertaining to relocating to Switzerland.

Would you prayerfully consider to sow into this church plant and what we believe will be a sending station for more missionaries and church planters into Europe and beyond.

Partner with us financially

We have two exiting opportunities to be part of this church plant:

Long term – where you feel called to Switzerland in a long term capacity and form part of our launch team.

Short term – Where you would explore an opportunity to work in Switzerland for 1-3 years and play a vital role in the initial steps towards a church plant.

Join the team