Europe has been stirring in our hearts since 2016 and it is with great expectation and joy that we step into this incredible call to plant a church in Switzerland. The initial call was simply this: “How can they call on Him in whom they do not believe? How can they believe in Him of whom they have not heart? How can they hear unless someone preaches? And how can they preach unless they are sent?” We are responding to that call. (Romans 10:14-15)
Current statistics show that the continent of Europe only has around 3% evangelical Christians. Some are referring to it as the forgotten missions field. Europe is in a post-Christian state where many young people are growing up with no idea of who God is and are surrounded with the belief that God is not necessary to life.
On top of the reality that many are dying without the knowledge of Jesus as Savior, the influx of Muslims into Europe has increased the urgency of the task. Statistics from 2020 show that around 5.7% of the population of Europe are Muslims and this has only grown in the last couple of year. The harvest is plentiful and ready, and we are not the only harvesters in the field. The task is urgent.
Since the beginning we have had a heart for Western Europe and an inclination to the German speaking part of Europe. We are also coming alongside the Every Nation Europe vision to see an Every Nation church planted in every country in Europe by 2040.
We believe God has been preparing Switzerland for a great outpouring of His Spirit and for a great awakening that will lead to many encountering Jesus. We are deeply honoured and humbled to say YES to God’s purposes for this nation and the rest of Europe.
A church plant in Europe for Europe. Dream with us.
We see a church that spreads out over the whole nation of Switzerland and with campus ministries established on every major campus across the nation. We see students taking hold of the Gospel and running with it like wildfires into their friendship circles, their families and the communities they live in.
We see a generation of young people rising up with a fire in their hearts and a deep conviction that Jesus truly is God and the Savior of the world.
We see a hub from where leaders will be raised and more missionaries and church planters from within Europe will be raised up and sent out into the rest of Europe and beyond.
And we envision strategic avenues through which we are able to generate resources to ensure the task that is both great and urgent will be accomplished. Dream with us!